
[title_box title=”Accountancy” subtitle=”Preparing accounts in accordance with accountancy standards at reasonable rates is a core part of our business.”]

From start ups to established businesses, all client types including sole traders, partnership and owner managed companies rely on accurate financial information to maintain profitability and to ensure that all taxes are correctly calculated.

Send us your records in our Freepost envelope and we will prepare a Profit and Loss Account for you and prepare your tax return at very reasonable prices.

Rental accounts. We can prepare and submit your accounts and tax return, inform you of your tax liability, for an all in fee of €150 + VAT per rental property.

Business accounts. Provide us with your income and expenses in our Freepost Envelope and we will prepare your Profit and Loss Account and your Tax Return starting at €350 + VAT. On obtaining your records we will give you an exact price (with no obligation) before we commence the work, and once paid we will submit your tax return to the Revenue Commissioners.

If you would like some more information please fill out the form below and we will reply to you ASAP

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